Inclusive and sustainable development around the world -leaving no one behind- is the overarching vision of the UN’s 2030 Agenda. However, it is very miserable that women have low income in comparison to men and low status in Nepal. Additionally, social stigma and barriers are making the situation tougher. By providing skill trainings to women, it would help them to be economically empowered and self-dependent. After this training, the women could get proper job or even they could start their own business.
Renu Sharma, President of Women’s Foundation exclaimed, “If women possess the skills, the world would be in their hand.”
Through the combined efforts with the support of Rotary Club of Healesville – Australia, the Women’s Foundation has organized the 3 months shoe making training for women which is aimed at increasing women’s access to skill for improving their financial independence, employment opportunities and aiming to boost their quality of life. The training was started from 26th March 2019 and would end in 25th June 2019.
There are in total 17 participants selected for this program instead it was proposed for 10 beneficiaries. However, more participants demanded for the training and our board had decided to provide the same training for more women. Except 17 participants, more women were interested to join the training but we do not have capacity to provide for more women. Up to the date, the beneficiaries are able to:
- Cut and paste the materials
- Making upper part of the shoe
- Fixing the golden lace for the border of shoe
- Sewing the borders of the shoes
- Measuring, Cutting and Pasting sole
- Fixing heel of shoes
- Making plain shoes with golden lace
- At present, learning designs and embroider for making designed shoes
We believe, this training would help the women to develop their skills and empower them economically. Creating such opportunities and environment reduces gender inequality and shapes women’s choices of occupations, jobs and places of work.
Leave a commentAfter a powerful windstorm hit southern Nepal at the end of March, at least 31 were confirmed dead, hundreds injured and thousands more left without food, water and shelter.
In response to the storm, The Women’s Foundation sent its team led by Geeta Neupane and Smirti Kharel to Kailia, Bara District, one of the worst hit places.
The Foundation distributed supplies to 512 families. The aid was primarily focused on women and children.
For women, the relief bags contained Saris and sanitary products like soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. The supplies for children were distributed in school bags that can be reused for their schoolwork. Each of the school bags contained a notebook, pencil, sharpener, and eraser. All of these items were asked for by local responders co-ordinating relief measures.
However, The Women’s Foundation’s relief efforts will not end with the supply bags; we continue to assess the situation and will give continued support as needed.“The Women’s Foundation is committed to be among the first responders in providing supplies to disaster hit areas,” said Renuka Sharma, the President of the Women’s Foundation.
This is just the beginning of a long journey ahead for the displaced people of Bara District. The Women’s Foundation is committed to be ready to support any emergency and work with every relief organization on the front line.
Leave a commentMs.Renuka Upreti, President of The Women’s Foundation of Nepal, was conferred with Prabal Jana Sewa Shree medal by Rt. Honourable President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Mrs.Bidya Devi Bhandari. The award was conferred in recognition for her exemplary contributions to the nation of Nepal.
The honour was awarded in the presence of Nepal’s Vice-President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the House, Chairperson of the National Assembly, Deputy-Prime Minister, Ministers, Chief of the Constitutional Bodies and other VIPs.
It is one of the highest civilian awards of Nepal. It is awarded to personalities from different walks of life in recognition of their contribution to the country.
The announcement was made on Constitution Day last year. The award was presented at a special ceremony organised by the Ministry of Home Affairs at the Office of the President, Sheetal Niwas.
Leave a commentOn the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Women’s Foundation of Nepal attended to a rally in Kathmandu in co-ordination with other different organization, with the purpose of visualizing the fight for women’s fundamental rights.
The peaceful demonstration took place at Ratna Park, Bhrikuti mandap and was leaded by Women’s Foundation president Renu Sharma, former President Tara Upreti, General Secretary Kamala Upreti together with other feminist activists from different areas and collectives.
During the event, big banners with clear demands could be seen, making special emphasis on women empowerment, gender equality and on how efforts must be joined in order to have a real impact on Nepalese women’s life.
Likewise, girls from different ages showed slogans that called to stop all kind of violence towards women and protested for a more equal society in which men and women have the same opportunities.
After the demonstration, a formal act was held at the City Hall with the attendance of the President of Nepal Honorable Mrs. Bidhya Devi Bhandari and other authorities..
The events held last Friday in Kathmandu were the evidence that Nepal moves step by step towards an inevitably more equal society. However, big changes remain to be done and from women’s organizations we will keep fighting towards this goal in order to inspire our local environment and to achieve a real improvement for the future generations.
Leave a commentOn February 18th, the Women’s Foundation proudly organized Screen Print Training for women. The essence of this project was realized before and organized through a supportive co-operation with the GLS Future Foundation for Development, Germany. The opening ceremony was inaugurated by the Honorable GiriRaj Mani Pokhrel , Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in co-operation with GLS Future Foundation for Development along with the great presence of the following guests:
- Honorable Pabitra Niraula kharel , International Relation Committee President,
- Honorable Bijaya K.C (A member of Provincial Assembly , 3 )
- Honorable Tenjing Norge (A member of Provincial Assembly , 3 )
- Shanti Nepal ( Deputy Mayor of Gokarneshwor Municipality )
- Krishna Prasad Chaulagain ( Ward chairman, Melamchi municipality 1 )
- Pradip Pokhrel ( Chairman of Election Observation Committee Nepal )
- Krishna Subedi ( Chairman of Child Right Committee Nepal )
- Devika Nanda Timalsina ( Human Right Activist )
- Jagadish Prasad Adhikari( chairman of DHRC, Nepal )
- Gha Man singh Tamang ( Human Right Activist )
- Sita Pokhrel ( Former member of Constituent Assembly )
Screen Print Training has been started to build lasting solution to poverty and unemployment by securing economic sustainability for Nepalese women. Secondly, this training will make them independent and self-sustained to make their future better. The key of success of this project is to develop a new generation of women with better opportunity for sustaining their life.
We focused this program for the long-term needs for obtaining economic empowerment, so that women can provide for themselves and their families. Additionally, the program will impart knowledge and skill on screen printing technology so that the beneficiaries could be able to earn for their better livelihood in the coming days.
We are pleased to share that the distinguished guest Dr. Annette Massmann to honor us with her presence. We would like to thank our special guests Vanessa , Ursula , and Monika. Special Thanks to Former President of WFN Tara Upreti, President of WFN Renu Sharma, General Secretary Kamala Upreti, Devendra Parajuli, Program Supervisor WFN.
Moreover, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for all who have directly and indirectly contributed for the success of program. Many people, both local and international, attended the ceremony and enjoyed the many speakers who emphasized the importance of women’s education and opportunities in our society. We are happy to be able to contribute to this important cause. Through this screen print school, we aim to provide an arena where women can gain skills and new knowledge that may benefit their job opportunities in the future.
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