Floriculture (TOT & TOF program)

The floriculture was successful and the outcome of the training was as per the objective of the training. The beneficiaries were provided with festival seeds and tunnels to initiate the project. The growth of the seed was monitored properly till the time of harvest. After the harvest, the outcome of marigold flower, Chrysanthemum, and globe amaranth was highly sold in the Tihar festival from the outlet. The sales of the flower reached more than NRs. 500000 in Tihar festivals from the outlet.
The representatives, Madeleine Jacob and frank from Marie Schlei Association, Germany visited the production site of the Floriculture project. The beneficiaries were overwhelmed to welcome the special guest. the Program was conducted in the presence of Krishna Murari Chaulagain (ward chairman of Melamchi Municipality ward no. 1), Nagendra prasad khatiwada (ward chairman of Melamchi Municipality ward no. 2), Devkumari Chaulagain (President of Women Hub), Krishna Prasad Chaulagain (WFN district representative). Ward members from Melamchi wards no 1 & 2. Also, the staff from WFN. The field of the beneficiaries was visited and a short interview was taken.
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‘Continuous Journey’ a book written by Ms. Kamala Upreti

We heartily Congratulate our President Ms. Kamala Upreti on her recent publication of book, “अविराम यात्रा” We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. The book launching program was organized in coordination with Simal Book Publication at Royal Singi Hotel, kamaladi, Kathmandu.
On this special occasion, different scholars and people attended the program. The program was inaugurated with the presence of the following chief guest, special guests, and other scholars: 

1. Mr. Kamal Dhakal: ( Book publisher, Chief of Simal book publication)
2. Mr. Ganga Prasad Uperti: (Honorable Chancellor of Pragya-Pratishthan)
3. Prof. Dr. Hemnath Poudel: ( Nepal Pragya- Pratishthan, Pragya member)
4. Prof. Dr. Sashi Adhakari Raut: ( senior advocate) president of Women’s NGO federation Nepal
5. Ms. Sharda Shrestha: ( First Female Judge of Nepal)
6. Dr. Mr. Ramesh Shubhekchu: ( senior literator and analyst )
7. Mr. Pradeep Pokharel: (Chairman of EOC Nepal and senior Human rights activist)
8. Ms. Shubhekshya Bindu Tuladhar: (editor of the book)
9. Prof. Dr. Mohan Sitaula : (International Nepali literary society)
10. Mr. Sakti Begani : (Social activist and Entrepreneur)
Abhiram Yatra’ is a Continuous Journey in English. This book is an autobiography essay about Ms. Kamala Upreti precisely of her life and achievements that she has achieved in her personnel as well as professional life. The book is also focused on her journey, dedication and services relating to the Women’s Foundation. Moreover, the book is solely related to the social work & women’s empowerment and the leadership role of women in the society.
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