Skill Development Training

Skill Development Training in Bhaktapur District, supported by Global Women’s Project. The main objective of this project is to make women face challenges by strengthening collective self-help capacities leading to their empowerment through participations and trainings for income generation. The beneficiaries would be skilled in sewing, doll making , art & craft etc.

This training is helping women to empower economically, because it shapes women’s choices of occupations, jobs and places of work. We heartily want to thank Global Women’s Project  for supporting this course and therefore realizing skill development for the participants.


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Celebration of Women’s Day

The theme of Women’s day 2021 is: Women in leadership: achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world. This year’s International Women’s Day campaign has chosen the theme #ChooseToChallenge with the idea that a challenged world is an alert world and individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions. “We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality,” “We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.” WFN actively participated and coordinated in the concerned activities in the day. 

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Tailoring Training for Women

The WFN organized tailoring training for women ( 02 oct 2020 to 28 feb 2021) of “masks making and more” for women. The training has been organized through a supportive co-operation with the GESPA-Germany. The opening ceremony was inaugurated by the Ms. Kamal Upreti, president of WFN along with the great presence of the executive members of WFN, social activists, youth leaders and members of WFN.
The training has been started to build securing economic sustainability for Nepalese women. Secondly, this training will make them independent and self-sustained to make their future better. The key of success of this project is to develop a new generation of women with better opportunity for sustaining their life during this challenging situations. There are 15 participants (women) who will be directly benefited from the training. The basic training was provided for the women before. We believe this advanced training will enhance their knowledge, skill and capacity.
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Dashain Celebration

Dashain is one of the biggest festivals in Nepal and was celebrated at the end of October. At WFN we celebrated by putting a tika on the forehead and getting blessings from the elders.

Children from the shelter home came to the solidarity home and received a tika and blessings from Kamala Upreti, president of WFN and Devendra Parajuli, program supervisor of WFN.

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