Devastating Earthquake 2015 had massively damaged the fenced brick walls of the WFN’s Shelter Home at Thali, Kathmandu. Due to the mentioned problem, WFN Shelter women and children have been facing the risk of material theft and insecurity. Furthermore, the rain water flows and leaks inside the building, has created another problem. A consequently, yesterday heavy rainfall has completely destroyed the erected walls and we are really worried about the security of our Shelter Family members.
Leave a commentWFN 28th July 2016: The heavy rainfall since June has flooded and landslided many parts of different districts. According to the government, national organizations and international organizations working in affected areas has reported that it has become a serious concern and need of quick relief and rescue to the people in the disaster affected areas. Life has been adversely affected after the flood and different parts of the country. 30 districts including massive destruction in Sindupalchowk, Pyuthan, Gulmi, Palpa, Makawanpur, Siraha, Sarlahi, Saptari, Arghakhanchi, Baglung, Morang, Sunsari, Dolakha, Kathmandu, Jhapa, Dang and Rupandehi districts are hit by landslides and flood.
Tens of thousands of Nepalese are still living in tents following the last year’s devastating earthquakes that killed nearly 9,000 people. Meanwhile many highways have been obstructed and many houses are swept away because of heavy rainfall, flood and landslides. The Ministry of Home Affairs, however, said on Wednesday evening that 66 people are confirmed dead and death toll is increasing hour after hour. Children, pregnant women and old aged people are facing different health related problems and having difficulties for health facilities and treatment because of the swollen rivers inside the communities.
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has asked the government to immediately vacate the settlements at risk of landslides and floods in various parts of the country. It has also asked the government to give top priority to pregnant women, children and elderly citizens while carrying out rescue work in the floods and landslides affected areas. Issuing a press statement Wednesday, the NHRC has stated that its serious attention has been drawn toward the huge loss of life and property in various parts of the country by landslides and floods (Kathmandupost, 2016).
“Even worse is the condition of pregnant women. As their delivery date is fast approaching, they do not know what to do,” said Krish Yadav, a Rampura Malahaniya youth. Many of those villages have been inundated. Yadav has urged District Public Health Office Chief Bijaya Jha to deploy health workers as many children and elderly people are suffering from fever, cough and vomiting, among other problems (Thehimalayantimes, 2016).
Case Study on Previous Government Relief
Hundreds of families who were displaced by the Bheri river floods in 2014 in Surkhet are still living in makeshift shelters, awaiting the government aid to purchase land and build homes. The floods had displaced 832 families and killed 115 people.
Following the disaster, the government had pledged Rs 125,000 each to the families who lost both their land and homes and Rs 75,000 each to the ones who only lost their homes in the disaster. The money was supposed to be distributed in two instalments.
More than 200 families have not received a rupee of the aid that was promised, and most of the families who did spent it to fulfil their daily necessities, added Regmi.
About 162 flood-displaced families have been living in temporary shelters in Girighat, Taranga, Tikhakuna, Masina and Birendranagar areas as they have no place else to go. Others have moved to their previous settlements, knowing the danger of flood.
Lalitjung Shahi, one of the flood displaced, said he and his family have already spent two years in a small bamboo and plastic-sheeted hut. He does not know how long they will have to live there.
District Administrative Officer Hit Prasad Paudel said the office does not have sufficient budget to help the flood-displaced families
(Source: The Kathmandu Post Daily, 21 June 2016).
Lawmakers speaking in the Parliament on Tuesday urged the government to rescue victims of flooding in the Terai and provide relief to them. They pointed that there’s the risk of diarrhoea afflicting people living in inundated areas due to contaminated water. The lawmakers demanded free treatment for the victims. The displaced people have not even got tarpaulins, they pointed. Flooding resulting from incessant rains have rendered hundreds of families homeless in the Terai and Mid-Hills (onlinekhabar, 2016).
Latest Update
The latest update by the Ministry of Home Affairs says that as many as 66 persons died while 15 went missing and 31 got injured in the floods and landslides caused by the torrential rainfall across the country. Among those killed in the disaster, 31 are from Pyuthan, seven from Gulmi, six from Baglung, four each from Palpa and Rolpa, three from Makwanpur, two each from Arghakhanchi, Jhapa and Rupandehi, and one each from Kathmmandu, Dolakha, Sarlahi, Parbat and Udayapur district.
As many as 76 houses have been fully damaged.
The number of injured come from Gulmi (9), Pythan and Banke (3 each), Kathmandu (2), Sunari, Baglung, Dolakha, Arghakhnachi, Sindhupalchowk and Rupandehi (one each).
Similarly, five persons have been disappearing from Pyuthan, two each from Arghakhanchi and Gulmi, and one each from Sunsari, Saptari, Jhapa, Dang, Kaski and Kapilvastu.
However, the death toll is increasing as lost people are found dead.
{Source: Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS), National News Agency of Nepal}
Following criticism from various quarters, the central disaster relief committee under the Ministry of Home Affairs held a meeting on Wednesday and directed the security agencies and the district administration offices in all districts to do all to make search, rescue and relief operations effective in the areas hit by landslides and floods (myrepublica, 2016). “There is a need of adequate fund to make disaster management more effective by expediting rescue, relief and rehabilitation of affected families. At the same time, funds are also required to strengthen efforts to minimise the risks in coming days. Coordination among all the concerned stakeholders including local authorities, communities, security agencies and development partners is crucial at this time,” said Baburam Bhandari, chief of National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) (Kathmandupost, 2016).
Scores of houses and some bridges have been swept away in several parts of the country as continual rains have swelled rivers, posing a threat of massive flooding and causing panic among the local population. Thousands of people have been displaced and hundreds of houses have been soaked after floodwaters entered into their settlements. WFN really senses greatest gloomy on such a havoc situation of Nepalese people one after another led by earthquake and blockade. We are searching for a ground to support the victims from flood and landslides in different districts as frequency of natural disasters really confirmed to strengthen the coordination of humanitarian assistance
WFN family would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to the people who are undergoing the tragic and traumatic experiences due to the loss of people and property.
Leave a commentWOMEN’S FOUNDATION NEPAL proudly announce that our 5 particpated children got successfully selected for the semi final in dance competation organised by R&R rhythm entertainment named#Stage_of_school_dance. Thank you very much for all of your support. This would not possible without your uncondtional love and support. Your vote became their strength to be in this position. They need your support to win upcoming semi finale to reach to finale. We want our children to win the crown. Keep supporting our children.
Leave a commentOur children receiving awards for participating on different event at school’s 17th Annual Prize distribution ,cultural show and parents day.
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We, WFN team are really pleased and proud to receive this great honour from Nation National Woman Commission. WFN along with other three people was awarded for their contribution in different sector. This award is very meaningful to us – not only because it recognizes our work, but especially because it adds a huge responsibility on our steps. It has further encouraged us to continue to help women and children in Nepal who are victims of violence, abuse, poverty and survivor of natural disaster.
We would like to acknowledge the incredible support we have been receiving from all those around us, sponsors, supporters, partner and all the women and children who have always remain in our heart.
Leave a commentWFN started training women in our micro credit program in two districts: Bhaktapur and Kavre. The women receivedagriculture training, allowing them to be more productive small farmers. There are 30 people participating in the training. It includes animal husbandry and vegetable farming training and is taught by experts in the field. The training will last for 7 days. The participating women believe that this type of training will help them increase their household income. Small farming is a traditional way of living for women in the rural areas of Nepal, and this training will add more proficiency so that the women can make more profit.
Leave a commentRupa Gupta (name changed) has been sheltering with WFN since last 9 months. She is the wife of a former Minister for Law and Justice; recently he is a Member of Parliament in Nepal, a responsible person who is drafting the law for the country. Rupa, even though she is the wife of a high profile family and is educated herself, became a survivor of domestic violence. Her husband denies to staying together because Rupa’s parents could not able to provide a car, brand name Scorpio, on her behalf as a dowry. Finally, after much pain and struggle she went to the National Women Commission, Nepal to get legal support and fight for justice with her husband Naresh K. Gupta (name changed). National Women Commission recommended her to give shelter in our office, WFN examined the case and decided to support her in every way which we could. It is so shameful that one man who was became Law and Justice Minister has been brought to a court for violating the rule and regulations of the country and was supposed to uphold. We kept Rupa in the shelter with her son to keep them safe so she can get her legal right. In between, her husband made various threats to us but we ignored while we kept helping her. As a result, she won her first case from the Court and able to get half of the remuneration of her husband from the Parliament of Nepal. Now she is very happy to restart her life with her 4 year’s little son. When she won the case and shared this with her little boy he was so happy and innocently said, “Mama, now we are going to celebrate my birthday with lots of gifts and chocolates”. This emotional moment was moving not only to Rupa, but for our whole team. We felt so glad that she got justice in her initial case from the court. She is going to file another one case in the court; we hope she will win that another case, too.U
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Recently we visited Rasuwa District with warm blankets, warm jackets, and 15 kg of rice for each person. We distributed the emergency aid to 300 people; they were not all from the same village but had collected from nearby villages where many are still displaced and living in temporary shelters. Because it is higher in the mountains, people in this region are dying of excessive cold and hunger. We were told that 15 people in this area have already died due to the cold. So our team did a survey to find out the truth of the situation and then distributed the emergency aid where it was most needed.
Leave a commentIt has been 10 months since the Gorkha Earthquake but the situation in Nepal continues to worsen for the poor of the city and mountain villages. Food programs from the various NGOs have packed up and finished and for those who lost all their possessions in the earthquake destruction, that is the end of their supplies. For many still trapped in temporary shelters since last April, cold winter winds now tear away at their burlap and plastic tarps and snow weighs down ropes and covers. Continuing blockades on the Indian border, black market costs for rationed motor fuel and damaged roads cut off help and supplies needed to rebuild. With winter conditions, work has slowed to a standstill and many are just trying to survive the cold until things get better. Government help is non-existent, the economy is in tatters and people are out of work, out of supplies and heating fuel, and many are out of food.
Women’s Foundation Nepal is continuing its emergency relief programs, trying to reach to the people who are struggling hard under these conditions. After researching the various areas, we have chosen some districts and completed our field visits there. Our team is trying to reach out to the people and serve those who need help the most, and ensure that supplies are distributed fairly. We are bringing warm blankets and warm clothes to the people as well as a 30 kg sack of rice per family to these districts. People were so relieved and happy to see us, telling us that their food stores were either gone or just about finished. They were so happy for the support. WFN distributed warm blankets, warm clothes and 1 sack of 30 kg rice and other emergency aid to 350 displaced families so far.
When our team visited this place we found people still forced to live in one tent in winter conditions and children without proper winter clothing because they have nothing to wear. Food at their shelter was also finished. When we decided to provide emergency service to the village, their Village District Officer tried to discourage us, telling us that people are not working because they have found an easy way to provide false statements and get free food and emergency supplies. He said such relief to people should be immediately stopped. However, we saw the villagers, and their miserable conditions. We could not agree him after our team visited there. The WFN team distributed goods in a fair and equitable manner to those who needed them most this Sunday.
In addition with this emergency rescue support we are also actively involved with our regular projects including in Kathmandu. Here are some snaps of people who come to the WFN community kitchen for a warm meal.
Thank you again for your generous donation and support. We promise to keep you up to date with progress on our activities and programs.
For more everyday updates please visit and share this link
Leave a commentPresent condition in Nepal, conditions on the Indian border at the blockade are quieter but the effects of the blockade on the economy are spreading in catastrophic results for the poor and those most affected by the Gorkha earthquake of last April. Lack of fuel to bring relief supplies to remote areas of the mountains cut off by winter snow and freezing temperatures, has left many destitute without any resources to struggle through until spring. After nine months, there are still an estimated 400,000 people living in tents meant as temporary shelters, many of those in Himalayan villages devastated by earthquake damage and landslides, with no buildings, tools or food supplies to rebuild their lives and survive the winter. People are starving and dying.
Nepal achieved a new constitution in September, but still we are not using it to improve the lives of its citizens. Our government is busy solving the problems of the border dispute and the claims of the Terai. We hardly see anything about the pain of the people. They have been suffering so much.
We are so emotional when we do see this. Staff at the Women’s Foundation have a weekly meeting at our office and yesterday all of our team’s concern was on those people who are dying of hunger and cold. We can see various people on the news without proper winter dress and food to eat. We feel so deeply for those people who are far from the eyesight from all.
Here we have post the pictures of our baby boy and girl who were sheltered in our “Pregnant women and newly born baby “ project. We often visited the women and children who have left our shelter. We go to them for regular check up and furthermore suggestion that a woman and children need in during this period. This time we gave the some winter clothes and sanitary items.
We will share with you as soon as we find any good way to support them. They are seeking for help and rescue.
We are always in need of your suggestions, love and support.
We can make a lot of difference in people’s lives together with you!!