This is the story of Sandhya Magar 8 years of age from Sindhupalchok, Bhotesipa. On the day of the earthquake, her mother made food for her in the morning and left Sandhya to eat. Sandhya never saw her again; in 56 seconds, Sandhva’s life was changed forever. The earthquake took the life of both her mother and grandmother, trapped in the house and crushed. Sandhva lost her loved ones at such a young and vulnerable age.
Everything in Sandhya’s world seemed to turn into sorrows and pain. Filled with fear and sorrow for their terrible condition, Sandhya’s family had a hard time trying to deal with the situation. Her father suffered from trauma and mental illness, and was no support for them. This time was very challenging for the entire family. Sandhya’s family had relatives, but they did not want to take on the burden of raising the children; they kept searching for excuses to leave the children. They felt no true love for them from their inner heart. They were keeping the children just because of what people would think. When it became apparent the children were being neglected, V.D.C recommended the children to various social organizations. Sandhya was recommended to Women’s Foundation Nepal and she came to live with us at the Children’s Shelter.
Sandhva looked scared in the beginning. The children and staff at the Children’s Shelter were all new faces for her and her memory of the earthquake and the death of her mother were still fresh in her mind. She would only cry in the beginning and it was very hard for her to speak. We could feel her pain from inside which was holding her in its grip and that was rolling down her face in the form of tears. It was a really hard time for all of us, too. This was such a tragic period for a girl who had lost her mother and was now all alone.
After some good counseling and other talks with staff, she started to share her suffering and pain with us. Her suffering had been worse than we imagined. When she completed her sharing, she looked quiet and fresh. Sandhva got to know about the other kids like her and she met other girls of her own age who had similar stories. This really helped her to trust us and feel at home here at the Children’s Shelter.
Sandhva now wants to stay at the shelter home. She has started her school and she looks very happy. The pain inside her is still fresh and it is very hard for her to forget those moments of loss and pain from her old life, but she is happy now that she has a new, big family. All our kids at the Children’s Shelter were so welcoming and happy to have her join them. They easily give the love of family. Sandhva’s smiley face shows that hope has come back into her life.
Here In Nepal, thousands of children are in similar situations, facing pain and suffering every day. They desperately need our love, and tender care. Love and care for those displaced children and families are the biggest gift in this hard time in Nepal.
Together we can rise up again. Please be united!
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